Page 207 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 207


                                                                                                                      The Plan

                                                                  Mines should expand the Facilities Management complex in Mines Park near
                                                                             provided by self-contained units or provided by the community (not the Mines
                                                     As the number of campus buildings grows, the need for facility support space
                                                                          provide this space. Like the other Mines Park structures, utilities should be
                                                                       about 8,000 GSF, but a programming study should determine how best to
                                                                     the Moly Building. The master plan recommends two new buildings, each
                                                        will grow. Additionally, the Facilities Management area near the General
                                                          Research Lab will be redeveloped as the site of the Innovation Hub.

                                          FACILITIES MANAGEMENT NORTH BUILDING
                                              FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SOUTH BUILDING

                                                                                central plant on Main Campus).  Necessary precedent projects: None Enabled projects: After Facilities Management grounds, truck shop, and lock  shop are relocated to Mines Park, the Innovation Hub area can redevelop. Mines Park has both Facilities and multi-family residential uses. Both uses  are expanding and becoming more dense. The impact of vehicle circulation,  noise, and similar negative effects on t

                                                  THE NEED     THE PROJECT                     THE SITE
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