Page 218 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 218

as support the residential uses. The site design should include an open space
                                                        should host outdoor gatherings associated with the conference center as well
                                                                                      structure. (See examples of parking structures that contribute to the aesthetic
                                                                                         of a campus on the opposite page.) The combined parking structure and Arts
                                                                                               Green Center. Arapahoe Street should remain a vehicular and service street
                                               Development patterns should balance the developing urban and pedestrian-
                                                     circulation of the 6th Avenue interchange. New and preserved open spaces
                                                                 South of the site is the 13th hole of the Fossil Trace Golf Club. Views of the
                                                                                            Center facility may bridge over Arapahoe Street to connect directly with the
                                                  focused character of the north Mines edge of 19th Street with the vehicular
                                                                    golf course should be highlighted within the development, and views of the
                                                                                 off-campus neighborhood. The design of the structure should appear more
                                                                                    oor parking
                                                                           The recommended new parking structure on Lots O and N near the Green
                                                                              Center should integrate will with the surrounding edge of campus and the
                                             The site is a very visible gateway for Mines as well as the City of Golden.
                                                                                   like a traditional academic building that a conventional sloped fl
                                                             like a central park or plaza that could serve as a festival space.
                                                                       development from the golf course should be considered.

                                                                                                 that is welcoming to pedestrians.

                                          THE SITE

                                          ground floor on the 15th Street facade. The structure may connect directly to

                                             Green Center through a second story bridge over Arapahoe Street.

                                                                                      -campus location.

                                                   Mines should construct or lease an off-campus building for central storage  and central service space, located with easy access back to campus. The  off-campus central receiving should accept large deliveries, break them down,  and deliver them to campus users in Mines vehicles. Some deliveries such as  fresh food deliveries at dining halls and gas deliveries at laboratories should  The existing electrical generator station is designed

                                                               still occur directly on campus.  and storage should relocate to an off

                                                                                           Parking Structure.  Enabled projects: None

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