Page 423 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 423

The heating plant distributes its steam piping via a network of tunnels creating
                                                                                          existing line and share the initial distribution load. This is anticipated to be
                                                                 currently being prioritized and upsized by the Campus Infrastructure Upgrade
                                                            piping system where the steam velocities would exceed 140 feet per second
                                                               (the accepted recommended maximum velocity from Spirax Sarco) that are
                                                                              are additional upgrades that SBEC recommends and will be addressed in
                                          The current connected load of the heating plant without applying diversity
                                                         a loop around campus. There are several known “pinch points” within this
                                               Summary for a list of all current connected buildings and their associated
                                                                                       An additional 8” steam main line will be installed to run parallel to the
                                             is approximately 79,310 lbs/hr. Refer to Steam: Estimated Existing Load
                                                                                     At the heating plant a 12” steam line feeds the campus steam loop.
                                                                           implemented under the Campus Infrastructure Upgrade Project. There
                                                                        The following is a list of upgrades that SBEC understands are being
                                                                                 Proposed Campus Heating Summary section of this master plan.
                                                                                                                      Appendix 2:  Utilities Master Plan
                                 EXISTING CAMPUS HEATING SUMMARY

                                                                                             completed in 2019.

                                                  loads.            Project.         1.

                                                                               the heating plant receives a peak of 125 GPM (~63,500 lbs/hr) of condensate.
                                                                             Condensate Pumps (PTC 3”x2”). When (6) of the (7) pumps are in operation,
                                                        the plant’s maximum operating capacity is approximately 105,000 lbs/hr and
                                                             heating plant is 90 psi at the boilers and 75 psi from the headers/distribution
                                                                with a requirement to have a minimum of 50 psi at the most remote building
                                                                                  Therefore, each pump is handling approximately 21 GPM (~10,600 lbs/hr).
                                                                                      lter, a  polisher, and up approximately 50 feet to a surge tank for the boiler feed. The

                          6.0             SBEC understands that there is one heating plant that serves the majority  of the campus. This plant consists of (2) 50,000 lbs/hr steam boilers, (2)  7,000 lbs/hr steam generators, and (1) 70,000 lbs/hr steam boiler. The  70,000 lbs/hr steam boiler will be referred to as B3 within this master plan  and is currently used for backup only. According to Facilities Management,  is limited by the gas utility. The current steam pressure supplied fr
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