Page 421 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 421
If CP8 is ever determined to be used for additional capacity rather than spare/
will allow Mines to adequately plan for a new plant. The design for Research
will need to be analyzed and possibly increased in size. However, that is not
Refer to Chilled Water: Proposed Plan for a site plan depicting the loop with
redundancy and more load is to be connected to the loop, the piping mains
This way the costs for this plant will be born later in the master plan and it
and backup, CP8 will be constructed and added as a part of Research 3.
3 is anticipated to start in 2030. The loop will have some, although small,
Appendix 2: Utilities Master Plan
redundancy until this last building is brought online.
anticipated as a part of this master plan.
CP8 incorporated.
accommodate the anticipated load of the Research Park neighborhood.
If these measures were correctly implemented, the two plants could
Below is a description of the proposed pipe size and distribution.
New 14” chilled water pipes from the Green Center would need to route south through the parking garage to 16th Street. From here, the pipes are anticipated to be direct buried as they exit the existing tunnel network and route east to Arapahoe Street. Once they have reached Arapahoe Street, the piping would turn west and run along 18th Street to tie into the existing direct buried 14” chilled water lines just south of the Fron