Page 416 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 416


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                                 neighborhood), the future Dining and Indoor Recreational
                      the university will add to Chiller Plant 6 (CP6) a 1,300 ton
                                                                                                  that is the existing building’s cooling strategy. This is also
                                                                                      Neighborhood – West Campus for supporting information.
                                                                                             Parker Student Center receive an addition. This addition
                                                                        including Research 1 through Research 3 as well as the
                   As a part of the Campus Infrastructure Upgrade Project,
                                                             VII and VIII. CP6 will be combined and looped with CP7
                                                                  detail in the Future Chilled Water Distribution Strategies
                                                                                          The Facilities Master Plan recommends that the Ben H.
                                                                              added to the loop further reducing the spare capacity of
                                                                                   Plant Capacities and Loads and Chilled Water: Load by
                           nominal capacity to 2,600 tons. It is anticipated that the
                        chiller and associated cooling tower, which will bring its
                                                                     chapter. After this loop is complete, additional buildings
                                                                                CP6 to approximately 113 tons. Refer to Chilled Water:
                                                    New direct buried 6” chilled water pipes are anticipated
                                         CP6 will have a spare capacity of 982 tons assuming a
                                                       to run west along 17th Street to serve the future Dining
                              future Frontiers Building (located in the Research Park
                                                                                                     because Facilities Management has stated and SBEC
                                                                                                would be served by stand-alone cooling equipment as
                                                                as a part of this master plan and is discussed in more
                                                  18th Street to eventually serve the Frontiers Building.
                                            diversity of 0.65. The Campus Infrastructure Upgrade
                                                          and Indoor Recreational Facility and Residence Halls
                                                                           office building at 19th Street and Illinois Street will be
                                      served by CP6. With the addition of these buildings,
                                    Facility, and the Residence Halls VII and VIII will be
                                               Project will bring 14” chilled water mains east along
                                                                                                           agrees that it would be difficult and costly to get chilled  water piping over to the Parker Student Center from CP6  based on the location of other utilities and tunnels.  Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan
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