Page 411 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 411

with the plant’s available capacity to provide the minimum
                                 stated that this operational diversity is due to evaporative
                                                        connected equipment cooling capacity can be compared
                                                                         capacities. If this is the case, the plant would have more
                                                                               equipment cooling loads. However, without actual plant
                        not operate at full capacity even though the sum of the
                                                   capacity. Because it is known that CP5 does not utilize
                           connected building loads would indicate the plants are
                              at or close to full capacity. Facilities Management has
                                                                 demand is currently unknown. Facilities Management
                                                                            diversity and be able to provide additional connected
                                             meaning that the plant operates at approximately 76
                                          CP5 is estimated to have a diversity of at least 0.76,
                                                                      the combination of the sum of the operational chiller
                   Through conversations with Facilities Management,
                                                              diversity of 0.76. The actual peak operating cooling
                      SBEC understand that the existing chiller plants do
                                                percent or less of its connected equipment cooling
                                                                    suggests that the peak operating point is less than
                                    cooling, energy recovery, and diversity within the
                                                                                   rm this. CP6 is estimated to have a diversity of approximately  0.54. This number was developed from an operational  peak load provided by Facilities Management that was  Based on the diversities of CP5 and CP6, and in order to  be conservative and consistent, a diversity of 0.65 will be  applied to all chiller plants for this analysis and report.
                                      individual buildings.  the existing 300 ton steam absorption chiller, the   metering data, SBEC could not confi  then compared to the known connected load.  Appendix 2:  Utilities Master Plan

                        Carrier (Model # 19XRV5655355KEH64) 438 ton chiller installed in 2011, one (1) SMART (Model
                          # WA120) 340 ton chiller installed in 2017 and (1) existing 300 ton steam absorption chiller. The
                  Research Park houses one (1) chiller plant, Chiller Plant 5 (CP5). CP5 is a stand-alone building
                                                      All existing buildings within Mines Park either do not have mechanical cooling or have separate
                             300 ton steam absorption chiller is not used despite the connected load. It has also reached its
                                                                         <HDU   ,QVWDOOHG
                                   the USGS Building, Alderson Hall, Marquez Hall, and CTLM 1 and 2 totaling to 1,020 tons of
                                useful life expectancy and is in need of replacement. CP5 currently provides chilled water to
                     located just east of Alderson Hall and has a current capacity of 1,080 tons. It houses one (1)
                                                                          0RGHO    <0&  6    $$6  <6&$&$6  &)'6    ;59       .(+    :$     <0&  6    $$6  <.. . +  &5*  <.. . +  &5*      <0&  6     $%  <0&  6     $%  <0&  6     $%
                                              South Campus is planned to be all new construction via the Facilities Master Plan.

                                                                         &KLOOHU  7RQQDJH                           5HPDUN

                                                                     (;,67,1* &+,//(5 3/$17 6800$5<  $GMXVWHG   &KLOOHU   )ORZUDWH  0DNH   *30        <RUN         <RUN  &DUULHU  60$57         <RUN  <RUN  <RUN         6SDUH )XWXUH  <RUN  <RUN         <RUN

                                                                 CHILLED WATER: EXISTING CHILLER PLANT SUMMARY

                                      connected load not considering diversity.

                                                                        )ORZUDWH $GMXVWHG   &DSDFLW\    ž) ǻ7   7RQV    *30

               RESEARCH PARK               SOUTH CAMPUS  MINES PARK  stand-alone DX systems.  1RPLQDO   &DSDFLW\ &KLOOHU 3ODQW   7RQV       &KLOOHU 3ODQW          &KLOOHU 3ODQW          &KLOOHU 3ODQW          &KLOOHU 3ODQW    5HPDUNV     $SSOLHG GLYHUVLW\ RI           1RW XVHG
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