Page 413 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 413

                                              The following campus upgrades are anticipated for the Central Campus: the
                                                                                                         eld measured

                                                                                                         rmed from fi
                                                                                                                      Appendix 2:  Utilities Master Plan

                                                    addition of a new parking garage and office wrap, expansion of Arthur Lakes  Library, and potentially adding mechanical cooling to Steinhauer Field House. The parking garage and office wrap building is currently under construction  and will receive its cooling via chilled water from Chiller Plant 4. The  garage and office wrap technically resides within the Innovation Hub  neighborhood but will be served from CP4 as there is not a chiller

                                                                   available within the Innovation Hub itself.  is recommended that this plant diversity be confi by Neighborhood – Central Campus for supporting information.
                                           CENTRAL CAMPUS

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