Page 417 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 417

However, it is anticipated that the cooling will be provided via a combination of
                                                          reside in either the Frontiers Building or as a stand-alone building on campus.
                                                producing approximately 4,300 GPM of chilled water and would be distributed
                                  redundancy and backup for the system as a part of this master plan. The new
                         Distribution Strategies chapter for more detailed information on this approach.
                                                                  cooling towers and dry coolers. Therefore, the HPC Center is not anticipated
                                     plant will be located within Research 3. CP8 is anticipated to house three (3)
                                             chiller in CP7 (540 tons) simultaneously. These chillers would be capable of
                                                       There is a possibility that a High Performance Computing (HPC) Center will
                                                   with 14” chilled water mains and tied into the existing loop for CP6 and CP7.
                                        600 ton chillers. This size was determined to give CP8 the ability to provide
                               Plant 8 (CP8) in anticipated to be provided and tied into the loop to provide
                   the loop is required to load share throughout the piping network. Research
                      1 is anticipated to start design in 2023. Refer to the Future Chilled Water
                                                             The requirements and demands of this center are still being developed.
                                           redundancy if one chiller were to go down in CP6 (1,300 tons) and one
                             In addition to the CP6 and CP7 loop, a new chiller plant called Chiller
                                                                                                                      Appendix 2:  Utilities Master Plan
                                                                     to affect the campus chilled water master plan.


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                      CP6 even though CP6 is housed in the West Campus neighborhood. CP6 will
                                                   and CP7 will be able to provide the anticipated load for all the future buildings

                                        the chilled water plants together are an increase to the overall diversity of the
                                                            CP6 and CP7 will need to be looped prior to or in conjunction with the design
                                                                                     )ORZUDWH    ž) ǻ7   *30
                                                Therefore, this is the approach for the master plan. It is anticipated that CP6
                                                                     design flow limitation of 10 FPS once this building comes online. Therefore,
                   It is the desire of Facilities Management to connect the Frontiers Building to
                        have sufficient spare capacity following the Campus Infrastructure Upgrade
                                             for easier future connections as there would be a chilled water pipe nearby.
                                                                  water supply and return pipe from CP6 along 18th Street would exceed the
                                  From meetings with Facilities Management, there is a strong desire to loop
                                     CP6 and CP7 together. Per Facilities Management, the benefits of looping
                                          plants and to provide redundancy to the system. In addition, a loop allows
                                                               and construction of Research 1. The reason for this is that the 14” chilled
                                                      within the Research Park neighborhood. Refer to Chilled Water: Load by
                           Project and piping is also being routed in the direction of the Frontiers

                                                                                     )ORZUDWH    ž) ǻ7   *30
                                                                              CHILLED WATER: LOAD BY NEIGHBORHOOD – RESEARCH CAMPUS
                                                                                     &RROLQJ /RDG   7RQV
                                                                                 5($6($5&+ 3$5.    WK 6W  WR   WK 6W   DQG ,OOLQRLV 6W  WR :DVKLQJWRQ $YH    &KLOOHU 3ODQW   %XLOGLQJ 8VDJH  6HUYHG %\  &3  $FDGHPLF 5HVHDUFK  &3  5HVHDUFK /DERUDWRU\  &3  5HVHDUFK /DERUDWRU\  &3  $FDGHPLF 5HVHDUFK                    ,I  (      7RQ VWHDP DEVRUSWLRQ FKLOOHU ZHUH UHSODFHG ZLWK QHZ     7RQ HOHFWULF FKLOOHU  QRPLQDO OLVWHG FDSDFLW\ ZRXOG LQFUHDVH WR      7RQV      6WHDP DEVRUSWLRQ FKLOOHU LV

               RESEARCH PARK      Building as a part of that project.  Neighborhood – Research Park for supporting information.     *URVV %XLOGLQJ   %XLOGLQJ   $UHD  1DPH   *6)  &+,//(5 3/$17    &3          7RQV          86*6 ,         $OGHUVRQ +DOO         0DUTXH] +DOO          &7/0   DQG       &3   (  &RQQHFWHG 7RWDO     &3   (  &DSDFLW\ :LWK 'LYHUVLW\  )  &+,//(5 3/$17    &3          7RQV  5HPDUNV      $SSOLHG GLYHUVLW\ LV          &KLOOHU 3ODQW   LV IRU UHGXQGDQF\ DQG EDFNXS WR W
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