Page 78 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 78


                                                                 Each of these have varying impacts on the facilities required to be successful.
                                                                                                       dynamic planning approach and improved decision making. The space needs
                                                               a series of assumptions and statements that drives the Facilities Master Plan.
                                                                              space needs analyses were conducted for two key space types. The next two
                                                                                       used in the analysis. Many of these are university policies or expectations for
                                          Facilities requirements for master planning purposes are based on the space
                                                                                          space use that were created and adopted by university leadership during the
                                                                                                         assumptions behind the Facilities Master Plan are summarized at the end of
                                             needs required to meet a series of strategic priorities that were developed in
                                                                                                    allow the university to test a variety of planning scenarios. This allowed for a
                                                            needs, the condition of current assets, and over 210 program objectives into
                                                         identified within this master plan. The space planning team combined space
                                                ed by     projections
                                                                                     Notes are included in each space type identifying the key factors or metrics
                                                                    They address the amount and type of space required, the quality of current
                                                                                                 Space models were created to not only help perform the analysis, but also
                                                                           The space analysis is organized by functional space type. More intense
                                               fall 2017. The space needs analysis was prepared by JBA, and modifi
                                                                                 sections address classroom and research laboratory space needs.
                                                      The space analysis is based on the enrollment, faculty, and staff
                                                                                                                       Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan

                          3.3                     SmithGroup and Anderson Mason Dale.     facilities, and many times, the adjacency requirements.  analysis.  this section.  72
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