Page 79 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 79

research buildings and existing building renovations. Based on the Brown Hall
                                                             30,000 ASF (55,000 GSF) of instructional laboratories. Much of this is due to
                                                                             hours day and 6 hours evening, per week), and fill laboratories to 67 percent
                                                                needs in the Chemistry, Geology, and Engineering programs. Physics space
                                                                                               model, Mines should activate all at-grade level space of new and renovated
                                                    exceptions are particularly specialized at Mines and therefore could not be
                                                                          labs will be scheduled efficiently – use laboratories 28 hours per week (29
                                                                                      Similar to the recommended approach for new classrooms, Mines should
                                                                                         integrate the needed 30,000 net square feet of instructional labs into new
                                                                               of capacity during each scheduled lab. Instructional lab type will vary per
                                                                       This need for additional instructional labs assumes that existing and new
                                                           The JBA program plan indicated that Mines should plan for an additional
                                              The teaching laboratories were not directly addressed or analyzed in the
                                                                                                 academic and research buildings with student space, interaction space,
                                                 Classrooms Assessment Report. The teaching environments with few
                                                       considered as part of an overall analysis focusing on standardization.
                                           INSTRUCTIONAL LABORATORIES

                                                                                                                      Existing Conditions

                                                                   needs are being met by CoorsTek.      program input.  classrooms, and instructional labs.
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84