Page 82 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 82

requirements of flexible active learning environments is approximately $7.3
                                                   30,000 net square feet of classroom space and 30,000 net square feet of

                                                         The cost of renovating the existing classroom inventory to meet the

                                                     instructional lab required in the near future.

                                                                    million. This amount only tracks space that will be used for classrooms.  Any space that was taken off line is not considered within this construction  New classroom space was optimized as 1,250 square feet classrooms  accommodating 50 students in an active learning environment. In all  instances pairing rooms with accordion walls similar to the new classrooms  at CoorsTek would facilitate larger sections and group te

                                 CLASSROOM SPACE NEEDS

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                                              In order to understand the impact of improvements to existing classrooms
                                                 and to accommodate future classroom space within the framework of the
                                                    Facilities Master Plan, Anderson Mason Dale developed a Classroom


                                                         Assessment Report. The report builds on the findings of the JBA program  plan and analyzes those findings within the context of the President’s goals  There are two defining philosophies that drive the recommendations outlined  All educational environments at Mines should have the same quality and  the same educational delivery infrastructure so that faculty and students  can expect a state-of-the-art learning environment in every
                                                            and mission for all academic space at Mines.

                                                                   in the Classroom Assessment Report.   ratio and a smaller classroom size.

                                                                                       The Classrooms Assessment Report found and recommends:  Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan

                          3.4              SUMMARY                                                                 76
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