Page 16 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 16

Square Knot

             This essential knot is one of the most frequent you will
             tie. It’s quick. It’s easy to tighten for holding pieces
             securely. It’s also a flat knot that is comfortable against
             the skin. The drawbacks of this knot are that it can
             loosen when the ends are pulled, and it’s also easy to
             mis-tie into a granny knot, which looks similar but the
             ends come out perpendicular to the knot instead of
             parallel to each other, so it doesn’t lay flat.

             Rope length: Any length
             Rope diameter: Any diameter

               1                       2                        3                        4

             With two ropes hanging  Cross the left rope over the  and wrap it under the right  (You’re halfway there!)
             down, take the right rope in  right rope…        rope. Then pull the end all  Again you have two ropes
             your left hand and the left                      the way over the top.    hanging down.
             rope in your right.

               5                       6                        7                       DONE

             Now cross the RIGHT rope  Pull it under and through.  Now tighten the knot by  You know you’ve tied it
             over the left rope.                              pulling the ends. A common  correctly if both ropes on each
                                                              mantra for tying the square  side of the knot come out
                                                              knot is: “Left over right and  together or parallel. If you’ve
                                                              under; right over left and  mis-tied it, simply back up
                                                              under.”                  halfway and wrap the ends
                                                                                       opposite the way you did.

             8                            Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes
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