Page 11 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
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A Few Lines About Rope
eople who come to our any twisting force—unlike
bondage workshops twisted braid which
Pusually have as many deforms slightly when
questions about rope as braided or tied into
they do about knots. It’s not complex woven knots.
surprising, since there’s such
a wide and confusing Buying solid braid also
variety of cordage eliminates the chore of
available. So—to borrow a having to pull the core out
phrase with its own sadistic of your rope before using
origins—here are a few it. Ropes with cores are
simple rules of thumb. Cotton clothesline. bulkier and harder to tie
into secure knots, so most
The Right Rope bondage players remove
What’s the best rope to the core, turning a / 8”
use? The answer boils diameter line into one
down to a matter of hollow / 4” tube (plus one
personal taste (especially free cat toy). Whether
if you’re using your rope solid, twisted or cored,
to make bits or rope nylon offers these nice
gags). Since there are too characteristics:
many specific types to
discuss here, let’s stick • Soft, silky-smooth texture is
with the three types of Hemp rope. most comfortable (though
rope most commonly easily causes rope burn).
preferred for bondage: • Ideal for sensual scenes
nylon, cotton and hemp and people new to rope
(or jute). Each has its own bondage.
qualities that appeal to • Extremely strong and
very different styles of durable.
BDSM, and each has its • Knots remain easy to
pros and cons. untie, even after strain.
• Reasonably priced and
Nylon easily available at
Nylon makes awesome hardware stores or
general-purpose bondage Nylon rope. online.
rope. We recommend solid • Flame-meltable fiber
braid cording. It has a beautifully smooth appearance makes ends easy to secure to prevent unraveling.
and feel. We also like it because it holds its shape under • Ready for use, easy to maintain and machine washable.
Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes 3