Page 6 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
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ope bondage was my from the most basic aspects
first love in BDSM, and of rope bondage into some
Rit remains my best love of its more advanced
to this day. I have always techniques. Starting, quite
enjoyed the consensual properly, with a discussion
erotic helplessness it creates, of safety matters and basic
along with its grace and information about rope, the
beauty. I have studied its Two Knotty Boys go on to
various forms intensely, and carefully introduce the
it has been my humble reader to basic knots, and
privilege to have some of then guide the reader on to
my own writings and simple techniques before
workshop teachings added easing into the more
into its body of knowledge. advanced practices. All of
this is done with care,
For the better part of a attention to detail, warmth,
decade, Dan and JD—the humor and—reader take
Two Knotty Boys—have warning—the occasional
been making major and dreadful pun.
positive contributions to the
world of pleasurable, safe Dozens of techniques are
and erotic bondage. They demonstrated. Want to learn
have an excellent reputation, and rightly so. I have had simple ways to tie your lover’s wrists and ankles? Those are
the distinct pleasure of attending their workshops and explained here. How about a more complex body harness
observing how they teach with exceptional skill, or arm binder? Take your pick of the several herein. Gags?
knowledge and humor. And even this old dog has They’ve got them. Want to tie your sweetie to a chair, table
learned a few new tricks from them. Their many or bed? A number of approaches are laid out like a
presentations, both in person and on video, have done a smorgasbord for your choosing. How about articles of rope
lot to popularize this exciting form of erotic play. The Two bondage clothing such as panties, corsets, bras or
Knotty Boys are educated and professional in their gauntlets? They’re here too. There is even a most ingenious
approach, and instruct with exceptional style. Plus, on a technique shown for using rope to create a strap-on harness.
personal level, they are just plain and simply wonderful
fellows to know. I always enjoy “talking rope” with them. Overall, this is a solid, very usable introduction to the
basics, and more, of erotic rope bondage. I unhesitatingly
With this volume, the Two Knotty Boys make an invaluable recommend this book to anyone interested, be he or she
contribution to the body of knowledge surrounding the art of raw beginner or advanced practitioner.
erotic, safe, and consensual rope bondage. Carefully
thought out by JD and Dan and both lovingly and skillfully Jay Wiseman, Author of SM 101 and Jay Wiseman’s Erotic
photographed by Larry Utley, this book guides the reader Bondage Handbook.
Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes v