Page 10 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 10

Bondage Safety—Things to Do                      • Do remove restraints gently, being careful not to cause
             • Do make restraints “two fingers loose,” or loose enough  rope burns. Lower the arms and legs so blood can flow
               that you are able to work one or two fingers between the  in. Massage any area that has become numb; if
               rope and the body.                               necessary, apply warmth to restore circulation.

             • Do monitor circulation every ten minutes. Every ten  Bondage Safety—Things NOT to Do
              minutes or so, check for unusual cooling of the skin or  • Don’t make any tie too tight, especially around joints
              discoloration (usually whitening) on the limb past where  (wrists, elbows, knees, ankles) or the neck—anywhere
              the rope is tied. Ask your partner if any extremity is  that major arteries or veins are near the surface.
              going numb or if any binding is too painful.
                                                              • Don’t leave someone who’s inescapably tied alone.
             • Do insist your partner notify you of symptoms of  Circulation problems can get very bad, very quickly—not
              circulation loss immediately, such as numbness,   to mention what might happen if other medical
              tingling, “pins and needles” sensation or undesirable,  emergencies occur or if the people you tie struggle to the
              distracting pain.                                 point of falling and injuring themselves. Other
                                                                emergencies, such as fire, earthquake or “Honey, I’m
             • Do multiply the points of tension to spread the  home,” could also prove disastrous if they were left alone
               effect over a wider area. Don’t limit a tie-down to a  with no way to free themselves.
               bed, for instance, to attachments at the wrists and
               ankles; attach ties to the elbows, knees, shoulders,  • Don’t gag your partner unless you provide an alternative
               waist and thighs as well. The more widely        method for him or her to communicate problems with
               distributed the tension of tie is, the more exciting  circulation or other emergencies.
               and safe that tie will be.
                                                              • Don’t attempt a rope suspension without proper training,
             • Do make sure you know how to undo your ties before  and never bind persons where support of their weight
              you put them on your partner. Be prepared to cut difficult  relies on a fixture, bolt or construction that has not been
              knots or bonds in an emergency. To do this, keep safety  designed to bear a load many times their weight.
              scissors (also known as EMT shears or bandage scissors)
              handy at all times. They’re available at most well-stocked  Properly monitored with open communication, rope
              pharmacies.                                     bondage can be safely practiced by almost anyone. Keen
                                                              and constant awareness of your partner’s physical and
             • Do go slow with novices and during first       emotional state is more than the key to safety—it’s also the
              encounters. Be especially sensitive to your partner’s  key to sensuality.
              emotional reactions, providing frequent gentle
              body contact, spoken encouragement and
              reassurances. Watch out for developing panic. Also
              understand the critical importance of gaining your
              partner’s consent before any level of progressing
              physical contact.

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