Page 8 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
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                 here are thousands of                                                 into bondage techniques.
                 great books about                                                     That’s the learning
             T knots. There are also                                                   process we duplicate in
             many great books about                                                    this book. With the help
             bondage. However, as we                                                   of our photographer and
             complained when first                                                     dear friend Larry Utley,
             trying to learn rope                                                      we use photos and
             bondage ourselves, there                                                  captions to show—not
             are very few books that                                                   tell—the soup-to-nuts
             clearly illustrate the step-by-                                           techniques for turning
             step process of turning                                                   rope into rope bondage.
             great knots into great                                                    Forget long texts. Forget
             bondage. It’s one thing to                                                dissertations about BDSM
             know how to tie an Eagle                                                  or how to be a Dominant.
             Scout’s worth of sheep                                                    There are plenty of books
             shanks, bowlines and clove                                                that cover that thoroughly.
             hitches. It’s another thing to                                            Our book fills a gap
             know how to tie a former                                                  between books about
             Eagle Scout… or a former                                                  knots and books about
             Girl Scout… or just                                                       bondage.
             someone who dresses like
             one at night.                                                             Unlike videos or DVDs that
                                                                                       you have to play and
             Putting knots to work on                                                  memorize, this book
             the human form is an                                                      serves as a bedside
             entirely different skill from                                             companion to actual
             the sort of knot techniques                                               bondage. With easy-to-
             involved in seamanship,                                                   understand captions and
             mountaineering or basket                                                  clear step-by-step photos,
             weaving—especially if you                                                 you can learn at your own
             want your bondage to be safe, sensual, attractive and  pace, review whole techniques at a single glance, and
             effective. Like we always say in our in-person, hands-on  even lay the book flat on the table (beside your
             rope bondage workshops: you’re not tying rope; you’re  blindfolded partner) and follow along as you tie like a
             tying people.                                    lifelong Dom/Domme.

             When we began teaching rope bondage together in  This is the book we wished we had when we first got
             1999, we discovered that most people learn best  curious about rope bondage. This book will let you
             when they’re shown—close-up, step-by-step, and   avoid many mistakes and frustrations so you can skip
             repeatedly—how to tie basic knots and combine them  right to the action.

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