Page 20 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 20

Double Coin Knot

             Here is our favorite knot! This Asian knot symbolizing
             prosperity has been used as a decorative knot for thousands
             of years. We like it because it presents potential loops on
             each corner where ropes can pass through, making it ideal
             as a central knot for an unlimited variety of rope harnesses.
             It’s also a flat knot that is comfortable to wear and lie upon.
             Plus it makes anyone look like a rope Master.

             Rope length: Any length, from 1 to 100 feet
             Rope diameter: / 4 inch to / 2 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             With the middle of the rope  Keeping this loop open,  Transfer everything into  Pass the same rope over (in
             hanging around your     place the right-hand rope  your right hand, pinching  front of) the upper left rope.
             partner’s neck, make a  over the P so it looks like a  the P together to maintain  (Make sure your right hand
             counter-clockwise P shape  pencil in front of an eye.  its shape. Now pass the  still maintains the shape of
             with the left rope. Make                         right rope under (behind)  the pencil in front of the eye.)
             sure the bottom of the P is                      the left rope.
             behind the top.

               5                       6                        7                       DONE

             Lead this rope under the  Now dive the rope over the  Finish pulling the rope under  Adjust the ropes carefully
             top of the P and out    “pencil” and down through  the lower right corner loop  throughout the knot to make it
             through the front.      the open loop on the lower  and continue pulling it  symmetrical. Do NOT try to
                                     right corner.            through until the left-side loop  tighten the knot by pulling on
                                                              closes to match the right.  both ropes or it will collapse.

             12                           Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes
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