Page 24 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 24

Good Luck Knot

             We jokingly claim this knot got its name because all who
             try to tie it are told “Good luck!” But in seriousness the knot
             is one of the simplest in an ancient Oriental series of
             increasingly elaborate knots know as “Crown Knots.”
             Strong and stylish in appearance, the Good Luck Knot
             works well as a centerpiece on body harnesses.

             Rope length: Dependent on piece being tied
             Rope diameter: / 4 inch to / 2 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             Place one finger at the  Spread the top two bights  Then place the southeast  Lay the second (northeast)
             middle of the rope and two  into a V shape. Form two  bight over the pair of leading  bight over the previous bight
             fingers on the other side.  more identical bights, one  ends that just crossed it AND  that just crossed it AND the
             Then pull your two fingers up  on each side of the  the northeast bight.   northwest bight.
             past the one finger—to create  downward ends. Lay the
             two equal-sized bights.  leading ends over the first
                                     (southeast corner) bight.

               5                       6                        7                       DONE

             Lay the third (northwest)  Now lay the fourth    Carefully pull the two ropes  If what you’re looking at
             bight over the previous bight  (southwest) bight over the  associated with the open  looks like the picture
             that just crossed it AND the  previous bight that just  end and each of the four  above, then you must have
             southwest bight.        crossed it—and tuck it   extended bights successively  good luck!
                                     through the loop created by  until the piece is snug.
                                     the initial move.

             16                           Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes
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