Page 26 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 26

Snake Weave

             The Snake Weave is effectively a Box Knot stretched out
             through the same weaving techniques used to make belts or
             even straw hats or common braid. Clean and complex
             looking, the Snake Weave is primarily utilized in the
             creation of the Rope Panty.

             Rope length: Any length
             Rope diameter: / 4 inch to / 2 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             Starting from the end of a  Along the desired length of  Rotate the rope on the left-  Then, rotate the rope on the
             long outstretched bight of  your piece, make equal-  hand side back toward the  right-hand side back toward
             rope, twist the right-hand  sized openings by    twisted bight and lay it  the twisted bight, weaving it
             side of the bight over the  crisscrossing the left-side  diagonally atop the adjacent  under both edges of the
             left-hand side to create a  rope over (and the right-side  O loop, making sure to  adjacent loop, but over the
             loop that looks like a U over  rope under), to form  cross both the left and right  rope that crosses between.
             an O shape.             successive twists.       of the loop.

               5                       6                        7                       DONE

             Repeat Steps 3 and 4 above  weave both ends of the  all the way back to the first  successfully completing the
             until you…              ropes…                   loop at the end,         Snake Weave!

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