Page 31 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 31
Cat’s Paw for Ankles
A simple application of the Cat’s-Paw, the Cat’s-Paw for
Ankles is perhaps THE best way to quickly stretch and fix a
person’s legs apart securely upon a bed. Moreover, the tie
allows for legs to be fixed in such a way that the tyee is
unable to turn his or her toes inward—skillfully disabling a
person’s ability to “pigeon toe,” or block (cough) your
advances. Just so you know… the piece works best when
the person tied is wearing boots!
Rope length: 15 to 20 feet
Rope diameter: / 8 inch to / 16 inch
1 2 3 4
Begin the piece by first tying Be sure to make the loops of Once the loops of your Now bring the dangling
a Cat’s-Paw. the Cat’s-Paw large enough Cat’s-Paw are cinched rope ends under the front
to easily slip around your snugly against your partner’s pad of your partner’s foot…
partner’s ankle. ankle, bring the dangling
rope ends toward the inside
of your partner’s arch.
5 6 7 DONE
then, over and under the Adjust the piece so that all making sure to turn your With what remains of your
two ropes stretched along the rope is snug along the partner’s toe outward. dangling rope, fix your
your partner’s instep. length of the foot… partner’s foot to the bed by
tying your rope off to the leg
of the bed.
Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes 23