Page 36 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 36

9                       10                       11                      12

             Keep on wrapping up the leg.  When you have only  then double back the ropes,  Fish the ropes through the
                                     enough rope remaining to  and wrap once in the    top of the new bight where
                                     wrap twice more, stop, and  opposite direction.   your finger is holding
                                     hold your finger at the top…                      the ropes.

              13                       14                       15                      16

             Firmly pull the ropes all the  Fish the ends under the top  and hold an opening at   and pull the ends of the
             way through the bight and  two ropes…            the top…                 rope through this opening to
             pull them back in the                                                     tie off the piece.
             opposite direction.

              17                       DONE                    DONE                     DONE

             Tighten the knot and tuck the  Oh yeah!          If you wanna get fancy, trim  This wrap looks excellent
             remaining ropes between                          off the ends of the ropes  from any ankle… um, we
             the legs.                                        below the knot and fray the  mean angle.
                                                              ends to make little tassels.

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