Page 37 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 37

Three-Loop Quick Harness

             Here’s a quick chest harness that looks good, ties in about
             a minute, and lets you hold on to your partner with a nice
             cord on the back.

             Rope length: 20 to 30 feet
             Rope diameter:  / 8 inch to / 16 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             About one foot to the left of  Make your second loop the  Now make the third loop,  This is the trickiest part:
             the very middle of your  same way, but make it about  right-over-left, the same way  REVERSE the order of the
             rope, make your first loop  four times the size of the first  and the same size as you  “stair-stepping” of the loops
             by laying the right-hand  loop. (This loop should be  made the first loop.  so that the left loop is now
             rope over the left rope.  sized just large enough to fit                  atop the middle loop and the
                                     over your partner’s head.)                        right loop is under the middle
                                                                                       loop. Don’t let it untwist.

               5                       6                        7                        8

             Carefully pull the left side of  Steadily pull the loop to both  Carefully pull on the right-  Lay the large loop over the
             the middle loop through the  sides until the left and right  side loop in such a way that  head of your partner.
             left loop—at the same time  loops collapse and tighten  it grows while the other loop
             you pull the right side of the  themselves into a knot in the  shrinks to about the diameter
             middle loop though the  middle, leaving you with a  of a soda can.
             right loop.             new loop on each side.

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