Page 33 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 33

9                       10                       11                      12

             Wind one end of the rope  Now winding in the     As with the first wrapping,  Tighten the piece by twisting
             around the wrapping, all the  opposite direction, wrap the  none of the ropes should  the wrap, with each hand
             way to the wrist. (Be careful  other rope toward the other  cross. To protect circulation,  turning in the opposite
             not to let the middle creep  wrist. (Bunching up the rope  be sure you can fit one  direction. (Reverse the twist
             toward the other wrist.)  in your hand and       finger between the inside  direction to loosen.) Add
                                     unraveling as you wind   wrist and the winding.   more winds if needed.
                                     helps you wrap faster.)

              13                       14                       15                      16

             To secure the ends, lift the  Tighten this down, being  Secure the other wrist the  You can either use the loose
             last loop of the winding and  sure to maintain a finger  same way. You’ll notice that  ends to tie off one at a time,
             pass the end of the rope from  space between the wrap  one end of the rope exits the  or you can tie both ropes
             the inside to the outside.  and the wrist.       wrap on the top, the other on  together in a double
                                                              the bottom. This is correct.  overhand knot, like we’ve
                                                                                       shown here.

              DONE                     UNDO                    UNDO                     UNDO

             This triangle-shaped tie-off  To loosen or undo the piece,  Keep twisting to loosen the  Now slide the loose wrap all
             can be held up with the ends  simply twist both sides of the  wrap as much as possible.  the way off the empty end to
             passing though an overhead  winding in opposite  Then slide the loose wrap all  free the other hand.
             eyebolt, or simply used to  directions. (As before,  the way toward one wrist to  Amazingly, the empty rope
             lead your partner around.  twisting one way will tighten,  open the opposite cuff, and  will be left without any
                                     the other way will loosen.)  slide the hand free.  tangles, just two loose
                                                                                       overhand knots.

                                          Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes                             25
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