Page 32 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 32
Basic Wrap
One of the most useful bondage techniques is this Basic
Wrap. Use it wrist-to-wrist, ankle-to-ankle, wrist-to-ankle, or
even to secure an arm or ankle to the leg of a table or
chair. It doesn’t have to be rock-hard tight to hold, and it
can even be loosened midscene without freeing your
partner, so it’s a more circulation-friendly technique to use
even in long-duration play.
Rope length: 25 to 40 feet
Rope diameter: / 8 inch to / 2 inch
1 2 3 4
Start with the wrists apart, Wrap one end of the rope Wrap the other end of the All the ropes should lie
about two fist distances (or two times around both arms, rope two times toward the parallel and flat against the
“fistances”) wide. Lay the toward the elbows. hands. (If you’re using skin. None should cross.
very middle of the rope atop thinner rope, wrap more Otherwise, all the force
both wrists. times in each direction, to would press against the
distribute the pressure over a wrist at one point, where
wider area. the rope rolled.
5 6 7 8
At the bottom, cross the Pull both ends of the rope all One end of the rope should Now, tighten down the
“front side” rope with the the way around the wrist now hang to the front (the wraps. Working from the
“back side” rope, like you’re wrappings. hands), and one to the back middle, you’ll begin to wind
tying ribbon around a (the elbows). each end of the rope toward
package. the wrist.
24 Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes