Page 34 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 34
Rope Shackle
This is a perfect tie for restraining a single wrist to any
fixture, such as the arm of a chair. Its multiple loops stay
secure and comfortable under any strain. It can also be
used to tie other limbs, such as knees, to armrest posts for
chair bondage and other techniques.
Rope length: 10 feet or more
Rope diameter: / 4 inch to / 2 inch
1 2 3 4
Place three fingers of the Stick your thumb between Take the end of that rope Pull the rope out over the first
back of your hand along the the first and second ropes and pass it under all the rope (itself) and all the way
wrist of your partner. From and make an L shape by ropes except for the first through. Let it drop down the
the middle of the rope, crossing the left-most rope rope (itself). other side, toward you.
make four wraps around the over all the others.
arm and your fingers. Keep
ropes flat.
5 6 7 DONE
Do the same with the other Pull the rope all the way Tighten the shackle by Tighten the knot by pulling
end of the rope, making a 7 through the knot. Done pulling on the “ear” loops the ends of the ropes to
and crossing over all correctly, the knot should until the wraps are secure shrink the “ears” tightly back
the ropes, then under all look symmetrical. around the wrist. into the knot. (To maintain
three ropes and then make it circulation, the shackle
come out over itself. should be loose enough to
accept one finger under it.)
26 Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes