Page 28 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 28

Chain Braiding

             The chain braid is a convenient and effective way to
             shorten and store a length of rope. Once completed,
             the chain-braided rope can be tossed in bag or hung
             on a wall without fear of it tangling with itself or other
             nearby ropes. It can also be quickly and easily untied
             for use in the playroom!

             Rope length: Any length
             Rope diameter: Any diameter

               1                       2                        3                        4

             Begin by finding the middle  Put your finger through the  Pull the two rope ends  Now, fish your fingers
             of your rope and creating a  eye of the loop you created  through your loop and  through the new loop you
             bight, looping the rope as  and take hold of the two  create a Double Slipknot.  created and again take hold
             shown (counterclockwise  dangling ropes.                                  of the two dangling ropes.
             and under the bight).

               5                       DONE                    DONE                     UNDO

             Pull the two rope ends  To prevent the chain braid  The chain can be easily  Pull the ends until all the
             through your loop, and  from unraveling, thread the  released by pulling the  Slipknots are released. Once
             repeat the operation until  ends of the ropes all the  threaded ropes out of the   all your Slipknots are out,
             the chain reaches your  way through your last loop.  last loop.           you’ll be holding the rope in
             desired length.                                                           a bight right at its middle,
                                                                                       conveniently ready to tie!

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