Page 23 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 23
Cross Knot
The Cross Knot is a traditional decorative knot believed to
have originated in Vietnam, however it was later learned
and embraced by Chinese knot tiers. Today, it’s tied around
the world, used primarily as a decorative knot with nonslip
properties. We like using this knot as a nice alternative to
Square Knots on harnesses and other pieces like the
Tortoise Shell Bodysuit.
Rope length: Dependent on piece being tied
Rope diameter: / 8 inch to / 16 inch
1 2 3 4
Begin by draping the middle Wrap the right-side rope Bring the the dangling left-side and drop it down behind the
of the rope around the back behind and over the rope up and over the front of horizontal bight.
of your partner’s neck. dangling left-side rope. With the horizontal bight made in
your right hand, pinch the the right-hand rope…
base of the bight to keep it
5 6 DONE
Now fish the dangling right- Pull the rope firmly through If you flip the Cross Knot
hand rope behind the the vertical loop until a over, it looks like a woven
adjacent dangling rope, and cross appears. diamond. You can achieve
pass it through (under) the this woven diamond
vertical loop created when appearance in the front by
the left rope wrapped over crossing the ropes before
the bight. you start Step 2.
Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes 15