Page 25 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 25

Box Knot

             The Box Knot is essentially the primary knot used to create
             decorative round mats, similar to the woven rectangular
             mats seen on doorsteps across America. Only difference:
             the Box Knot does not require repetitive weaving. Like the
             Double Coin Knot, it’s an excellent flat knot for adorning a
             chest or as the basis for a body harness, since its four
             corner loops can be widened to take ropes from all sides.

             Rope length: Dependent on piece being tied
             Rope diameter:  / 8 inch to / 16 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             Beginning with the middle of  With one hand securing the  With one hand securing the  Pass the rope over the upper
             the rope around the back of  point where the ropes cross,  piece, turn the left-hand rope  right rope. Then weave it
             your partner’s neck, cross  circle the right-hand rope  clockwise and over the left  under and through the loop
             the left-hand side over the  counterclockwise and under  side of the V, then weave it  on the right side.
             rope on the right-hand side.   the V made by the top ropes.  under the rope that crosses
                                                              behind the V.

               5                       6                       DONE

             Pull the rope completely  Now turn your attention back  Adjust the Box Knot so as to
             through this loop.      to the dangling rope on the  maintain its flat, square
                                     left-hand side. Fish it down  appearance.
                                     and through the front of the
                                     loop on the left side. Pull the
                                     rope completely through.

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