Page 43 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 43

45                       46                       47                      DONE

             Repeat this on the other side.  Holding the inside rope with  Pull the rope on the other  This pulls down the loops
                                     one hand, slide the knot  side to match. It’s like  around the shoulders,
                                     down the rope by pulling on  tightening suspenders (or  keeping them from slipping
                                     the end of the knotted rope.  “braces” for our readers in  off. It also makes your
                                                              the U.K. or Commonwealth).  partner “hunker down” and
                                                                                       feel more restricted.

              DONE                     UNDO                    UNDO                     UNDO

             It looks nice, too!     Undoing the Dragonfly    Drop them free, back under  Untie all the wraps around
                                     Sleeve is easy. First untie the  the crotch.      the bottom wrist loops.
                                     overhand knots around the
                                     front ropes.

              UNDO                     UNDO                    UNDO                     UNDO

             Slip the top loops down off  Then slide all the loops  and pull the entire bundle off  Because all the loops are
             the shoulders.          down the arms at once…   the wrists.              slipknots, you can simply pull
                                                                                       on the ropes and all the knots
                                                                                       will disappear like magic!

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