Page 46 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 46

9                       10                       11                      12

             To tie it off, double back the  Pass the ends of the ropes  Pull the ropes completely  You can weave the excess
             ropes again, but pass them  down through this opening.  through this opening and  rope around the midline by
             under and up behind the top                      tighten everything down.  passing the ropes under and
             pair. Use your finger to hold                    You can either cut off the  over each alternating pair
             an opening.                                      excess here, or go to the  of ropes.
                                                              next step to do a weave.

              13                       14                       15                      16

             As you alternate weaving  Continue the weave up the  To tie off the weave, pass  As a finishing touch, you
             over and under each pair,  opposite side. If you have  the ends of the ropes down  can cut off the ends of the
             keep the ropes flat.    even more excess length,  through the knot that secured  ropes to make tassels, or…
                                     you can continue weaving  the piece.
                                     down the other side, against
                                     the first one.

              17                       DONE                    DONE                     DONE

             you can also tuck each rope  The resulting medallion  The front makes a nice  Like we say, waist knot,
             behind the corset to hide the  design is dazzling.  contrast to the smooth back  want knot!
             ends cleanly.                                    of the corset.

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