Page 50 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
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and up her backside to the Take the loose ropes and Approximately halfway tie a sliding overhand knot
small of her back. tuck each end under and up between the small of your as in Steps 1 through 3 of
through the corresponding partner’s back and the front the instructions for the
loop at the end of the of the piece… Fisherman’s Knot.
Snake Weave.
13 14 15 DONE
At approximately the same repeat Steps 1 through 3 of Adjust the piece by moving Once the piece is
location but on your the Fisherman’s Knot. each of the respective comfortably in place, you
partner’s opposite hip… sliding overhand knots back can snip the rope ends and
and forth. fray them into tassels to add
a little more flair!
Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes 43