Page 54 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 54

9                       10                       11                      12

             Thread each rope under its  Just like above, wind each  Bring each rope to the front  Just like before, wind each
             side of the vertical ropes on  rope around itself, four or  and thread it under its side  rope around itself, four or
             the back, starting below the  five turns, and secure it with  of the vertical ropes,  five turns, and secure it with
             previously tied overhand.  an overhand.          between the first and second  a Square Knot. The ends of
                                                              knot. Pull each rope around  the rope should come out in
                                                              to the back.             front of the ropes.

              13                       14                       15                      16

             Bring each rope to the front  Thread each rope under its  Bring each rope to the front  Tie each rope off at the back
             and thread it under its side  side of the vertical ropes on  and thread it under its side  by winding it once around
             of the vertical ropes, below  the back, below the previous  of the vertical ropes, layered  the vertical rope.
             the second knot. Pull each  Square Knot.         just below the previous rope,
             rope around to the back.                         then back to the back.
                                                              Repeat this four or five times.

              17                       18                       19                      DONE

             Then, bring the end back  Bring the end of the rope  and tighten it. Do this to tie  Now you have a beautiful
             under the rope to form a  over the vertical rope and  off the rope on the other  piece that gives you many
             small bight.            thread it through the    side, too.               places to hold, especially
                                     small bight…                                      when you’re in a touchy

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