Page 59 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 59

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             Pass these ropes over the  Now pull the ropes out front  Adjust the ropes to keep the  In the back, make an L with
             top rows and back down  through the corner of the L.  rows together and tight  the bottom ropes, just like
             behind them. Maintain the L  As you pull the ropes, the  around the torso as you  you did in the front. Bring the
             shape at the bottom, while  top and bottom rows will  bring the ropes to the back.  ropes up to the top row at a
             sliding or adjusting all the  pinch together, squeezing                   right angle, up to the bight.
             ropes to remove any slack.  the breasts firmly, like pearls.

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             Feed the ropes down through  Crossing the L to the right,  Finally, feed the ropes down  Carefully adjust all the rows
             the opening in the double-  now feed the ropes up  through the opening made  so they are neatly together
             bight. Pull them down behind  behind all the rows and out  when you crossed the L to  without gaps and uniformly
             all the ropes (except the  through the inside of the  the right. Pull the ropes all  tight around the torso. The
             bottom row) and out through  double-bight at the top  the way through and tighten  torso portion is done!
             the corner of the L row.  (between the first and  this knot securely.
                                     second rows).

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             To tie the arms, cross both  Bring the ropes up and over  Adjust the arms so that the  Wrap the ropes over the
             wrists behind the back, atop  the wrists and down behind  ropes are below the wrist  wrists again and down the
             both the ropes.         them, with each rope on its  joint and not riding up onto  back, one rope on each side
                                     own side of the center ropes.  the palms.         of the center ropes.

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