Page 64 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 64

9                       10                       11                      12

             With the dangling ropes  Using both hands, pull the  With both thumbs and  Now pull the ends of the
             running down your partner’s  two bights down to, then  forefingers, fish each  dangling ropes completely
             spine, loop each rope into a  beneath the ropes atop the X  dangling rope behind and  through the bights.
             bight. Pull the bights up  formed by the stretched  through its respective bight.
             beneath, then over the rope  Double Coin Knot along
             at your partner’s neck.  your partner’s back.

              13                       14                       15                      16

             Now grip the dangling   and then down again.     Once the Double Coin Knot  Then bring each of the
             ropes and pull them up  Repeat the procedure as  Bra is complete, bring the  dangling ropes up and over
             toward the loop at your  many times as necessary to  arms of your partner back  both wrists. Make sure that
             partner’s neck…         eliminate all slack.     until they are both lying atop  each rope wraps around its
                                                              the dangling ropes.      wrist and outside of the
                                                                                       vertical ropes down the back.

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             Repeat Step 16, but wrap  Below the wrists, cross the  Bring each dangling rope  Once behind your partner’s
             the ropes outside of the ones  right dangling rope over the  back toward you, between  wrists, cross the right
             you previously wrapped.  left and have your partner  your partner’s wrists and  dangling rope over the left,
                                     fan his or her fingers, palms  forearms. Then wrap the  and bring the ropes toward
                                     facing back.             ropes past each other and  you again.
                                                              away from you toward your
                                                              partner’s back.

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