Page 67 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 67


             Hold your horses! We Two Knotty Boys believe that
             unbridled passion isn’t nearly as fun as bridled passion.
             If you ever have a desire to try pony play or effectively
             control your submissive by the head, this piece can’t be
             beat. You can even tie it once, throw it in your kit bag,
             and use it as needed, again and again.

             Rope length: 10 to 15 feet
             Rope diameter: / 4 inch preferable

               1                       2                        3                        4

             At the middle of the rope,  Hold one side of the S  Pull the end of the rope (that  Tie the same overhand knot
             make an S shape.        securely while you wrap the  you just used to wrap)  on the other side.
                                     lowest rope all the way  through itself to form an
                                     around all three sections   overhand knot that pinches
                                     of rope.                 the ropes together tightly.

               5                       6                        7                       DONE

             Be sure the overhand knots  Make sure all three ropes  Push the sides together to  Then have your partner bite
             pinch their loops as tightly  are equal length. You knot  open up the piece.  on the middle rope while
             as possible.            aficiondos might notice that                      you place the bottom rope
                                     you have just made what                           under the jaw and the upper
                                     looks kind of like a                              rope under the nose.
                                     sheepshank, only this is
                                     more secure.

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