Page 63 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 63

Double Coin Knot Bra with

             Wrist Tie-Back

             Chinese merchants once took the design of the Double
             Coin Knot to represent prosperity. For us, the Double Coin
             Knot represents an ideal knot for securely harnessing the
             chest, while maintaining a clean and elegant look. Also,
             because the Double Coin Knot is flat, the tyee can lie chest-
             down with little if any discomfort from the knot.

             Rope length: 40 to 50 feet
             Rope diameter:  / 8 inch to / 2 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             Begin by placing the middle  With both hands, pinch the  Have your partner hold the  Just below the chest, tie a
             of the rope around the back  left and right loops of the  stretched loops of the  second Double Coin Knot.
             of your partner’s neck. At  Double Coin Knot and  Double Coin Knot in place.  Make sure the knots are flat.
             the top of the chest tie a  stretch them out until they
             Double Coin Knot.       reach the front of your
                                     partner’s armpits.

               5                       6                        7                        8

             Take the dangling ropes  On the spine of your    Now fish the respective rope  Pull the lengths through the
             below the second Double  partner, tie a Double Coin  ends underneath and then  loops. Follow up by pulling
             Coin Knot and spilt them flat  Knot. Make sure the Double  out the stretched loops of the  the rope ends snugly back
             across your partner’s chest.  Coin Knot is securely  Double Coin Knot your  toward you.
             Then, move behind your  tightened, but flat.     partner’s been holding.
             partner with the dangling
             ropes in hand.

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