Page 61 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 61

Basketing Hog-Tie

             The Basketing Hog-Tie is unlike the traditional hog-tie in that
             it fixes tyees’ legs to their upper backs, rather than to their
             wrists. Also, it is dynamic. This dynamic aspect of the
             Basketing Hog-Tie allows people who tie it to control the
             amount of intensity their partners experience—with the
             simple pull of a rope.

             Rope length: One 40 to 50 feet, two 10 to 15 feet
             Rope diameter:  / 8 inch to / 16 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             Place the middle of the long  Split the dangling ends of  Tie the ropes together at  Split the dangling ends of
             rope behind your partner’s  rope apart, then pull each  the back using another  rope back to your partner’s
             neck, having him or her hold  respective end under your  Square Knot.     chest and pass their ends
             the rope in a triangle at her  partner’s chest and around                 under and through the
             armpits. Tie a Square Knot  to the back.                                  triangle of rope your partner
             at chest level.                                                           is holding in place.

               5                       6                        7                        8

             Bring the dangling ends of  Bight the end of each  Make the bights longer and  Fish each respective dangling
             rope back around to your  respective rope up and  pull them down and under the  end of your rope through the
             partner’s back and tie  under the loop of rope   strip of rope tied across your  loops of each bight.
             another Square Knot.    around the back of your  partner’s shoulder blades.
                                     partner’s neck.

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