Page 57 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
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Bring the ropes to the front, Weave each end of the and under the bottom two Under the bottom two arms
above the breast line. Tie rope over the top two arms arms of the X that crosses of the X, tie an overhand
them together snugly with of the X… the chest. knot (or really just the first
another square knot. half of a Square Knot).
13 14 15 DONE
To tighten the piece, pull this The remaining rope can be This leash makes a nice The diamonding method on
knot snug until the both corded to create a leash. handhold for controlling the back is what makes it
Square Knots, top and your partner. so difficult for submissives
bottom, meet. to squirm their arms over
their heads to get their
wrists to the front.
Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes 51