Page 62 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 62

9                       10                       11                      12

             Pull the ropes down…    and then pull up again to  Weave the dangling ends of  Now have your partner lie
                                     tighten them.            your rope under the bottom  belly-down on the floor.
                                                              section of the X of rope at the
                                                              small of your partner’s back.

              13                       14                       15                      16

             Using the Basic Wrap, use  Pass the dangling rope  Pull the dangling rope ends  Thread the dangling rope
             one of the shorter ropes to  ends of your chest harness  back toward your partner’s  ends under and up through
             tie your partner’s wrists. Use  under the rolls of the Basic  shoulder blades.  the opening above the
             the other short rope to tie  Wrap tied around your                        Square Knot tied at your
             your partner’s ankles in  partner’s ankles.                               partner’s shoulder blades.
             another wrap.

              17                       18                       19                      DONE

             At this point, the piece is  To tighten (and draw the  until the desired tension (or  To loosen the tension, simply
             essentially complete.   ankles up to the back), pull  basketing) is achieved.  allow slack for you partner
                                     the rope ends up…                                 to relax.

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