Page 58 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 58
Japanese Pearl Harness
This piece is our modification of a traditional Shibari-style
Japanese chest harness. Usually this harness would wrap
around the arms as well as the chest, but we like to save
binding the arms for after the torso piece is complete. This
style is named “Pearl” because the pinching of the breasts
between the ropes resembles a pair of pearls. If you find
before you a pair of pearls as perfect as these, you’d be
quite the lucky one indeed!
Rope length: 30 to 50 feet
Rope diameter: / 8 inch to / 16 inch
1 2 3 4
Start with a bight in the very Wrap the pair of ropes Pull the ropes all the way Adjust the tension to make
middle of your rope. above the breast line, through this bight. Keep the the wrap firm (but not
bringing the bight around to bight centered on the spine. uncomfortably tight). Double
the center of the back. back the ropes, wrapping
them back around to the
front of the torso.
5 6 7 8
Layer these ropes in a line Keeping tension firm and Wrap these ropes all the At the front, hold the bottom
right below the previously consistent, continue way around the front, this row of ropes with your
wrapped row, keeping them wrapping these ropes time in a row beneath the thumb and make a
flat against the skin and up around the back. breast line. Continue backward L to bring the
next to the row above them. wrapping around the back ropes up over the top rows.
and bring them to the front,
beneath the previous wrap.
52 Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes