Page 49 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 49

Rope Panty

             The Rope Panty is the ready-to-wear result of combining the
             Trinity (Celtic) Knot and the Snake Weave. Both beautiful
             works of rope in their own right, together the two make for
             a stylish decorative rope piece that’s sure to grab attention!

             Rope length: 30 to 40 feet
             Rope diameter:  / 8 inch to / 16 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             Begin the piece by first tying  Have your partner hold the  Pulling the loose ends of  Holding this measured
             a Trinity Knot.         Trinity Knot in place slightly  your rope up her backside,  distance with your thumb,
                                     below her waistline, with the  note the point on the ropes  have your partner let go of
                                     rope ends between her legs.   that reaches the small of  the Trinity Knot. Carefully take
                                                              her back.                your piece onto the floor.

               5                       6                        7                        8

             From your measured      weave each loose end of the  Once again, have your  Bring the end of the Snake
             distance up to the base of  rope through the corner loop  partner hold the Trinity  Weave back between
             the Trinity Knot, make a  of the Trinity Knot. NOTE: the  Knot in place between her  her legs…
             Snake Weave. Once your  end that emerged on top  legs and slightly below
             Snake Weave is complete…   should pass from below the  her waistline.
                                     loop, opposite the other.

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