Page 45 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 45
Rope Corset
One way to use rope to spice up any outfit is this beautiful
rope corsetry technique, first made famous by Lou Duff in
San Francisco. The clean “checkerboard” boning on the
front can be accented by circling additional weaves around
it. The back remains smooth and flat. It’s also a wonderful
piece that you can tie onto yourself. The same technique is
used to create Rope Gauntlets.
Rope length: Approximately 50 to 60 feet, depending on
diameter of rope (and waistline)
Rope diameter: / 4 inch to / 8 inch
1 2 3 4
Make a bight at the very Draw both ropes through Pull both ropes back in the Now draw the two ropes
middle of the rope and hold this bight at the front. direction they came from. down through the new
it at the front/center where Wrap them all the way opening made when they
you want the bottom of the around the back, layering were doubled back. Adjust
corset to sit below the waist. them flat against the skin, the tension here to the
right above and against the tightness desired for the
previous pair. piece. Don’t leave it loose.
5 6 7 8
Again, pull both ropes Always lay the ropes flat As before, always draw the Keep doubling back and
back in the direction they against the skin and the two ropes down through the layering the ropes until you
came from. previous pair. Avoid new opening made when are at the desired height, or
making gaps or twisting the they were doubled back. until you run out of rope.
ropes. Keep the tension firm
and consistent throughout
the winding.
38 Two Knotty Boys Showing You the Ropes