Page 51 - Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes
P. 51

Good Luck Knot Harness

             The Good Luck Knot Harness is a sturdy, clean and elegant
             piece. Compared to the harnesses sold in upscale fetish
             retail stores, it makes for a far more reasonably priced (the
             cost of the rope) way in which to fit a partner. Its lines
             place focus on the chest, so it’s a great adornment for men
             or women. Plus it provides handy-dandy holds for gripping.

             Rope length: 40 to 50 feet
             Rope diameter:  / 8 inch to / 16 inch

               1                       2                        3                        4

             Begin the piece by first tying  Have your partner hold the  Bring each length around  Bring the ropes back to the
             a Good Luck Knot. Be sure  Good Luck Knot across the  toward the lower loops of the  back, snugly. Once the loose
             to make each of the closed  chest. Bring the loose ends  Good Luck Knot. Then tuck  rope ends are lined up with
             loops of your Good Luck  down the front, between the  the ends under, up and  the spine, tie another Square
             Knot about the length of a  legs and up around the  through each respective loop.  Knot above the previous one.
             large hand.             backside. Tie a Square Knot
                                     halfway up.

               5                       6                        7                        8

             Bring the loose rope ends up  Tuck both loose rope ends  Bring each rope down its  Thread each respective
             the back and over each of  under, up and through their  respective side of the back,  rope end under the lower
             the shoulders.          respective top loops of the  making sure to pull the piece  part of the rope X on your
                                     Good Luck Knot.          snugly as you do so.     partner’s back.

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