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          WOMEN In Philippine Society

             by Editor Laura Andal

              With  the  U.S.  presidential  elections                              Mrs.  Gloria  Macapagal  Arroyo,
                                                                                    was again elected as President of
              looming,  the  Democratic  candidate
              for  President  of  the  United  States,                              the Republic of the Philippines.  At
                                                                                    present,  the  incumbent  Vice-
              former  Vice  President  Joseph  Biden,
              has  now  selected  his  running  mate.                               President is a woman.  In terms of
                                                                                    gender  equality,  we  can  say  that
              He  chose  a  black  female  for  his  vice
              president,  Senator  Kamala  Harris.                                  The Philippines has been ahead of
              Should  Vice  President  Biden  and                                   America for many, many years.
              Senator  Kamala  Harris  win  this
              November,  she  would  be  the  first                                Despite the “machismo” traits that
              female  vice  president  of  the  United   United States of America’s Senator   characterize the Filipino society, the
              States  of  America.  His  choice  of    KAMALA HARRIS               Philippines  has  been  kind  to  its
              running  mate  was  the  first  critical                             women.  Filipinos  pride  themselves
              decision  made  by  Vice  President                                  on having a more egalitarian society
              Biden.  It  could  make  or  break  his                              among nations    insofar  as gender
              candidacy.    Vice-President  Biden’s                                relations  are  concerned.  Filipino
              dilemma  now  is:  would  his  choice                                women  attain  equal,  if  not  more,
              help  him  win  the  national  election?                             education  as  men  do.  In  the
              The vice-president being a heart-beat                                professional  field,  women  excel
              away from the presidency, the bigger                                 alongside men even in traditionally
              question  in  that  scenario  is:  Is                                “male”     disciplines   such    as
              America  ready  to  have  a  woman                                   medicine,  engineering,  and  other
              president?                                                           sciences.  Women  leaders  occupy
                                                                                   high  government  positions  and

             When  Ninoy  Aquino,  the  putative                                   have  some  hands  or  control  over
                                                       Former President of the Philippines
             opposition  candidate  to  former         CORAZON C. AQUINO           the direction of the country.
             President  Ferdinand  Marcos,  was
             assassinated   in   1986,    political                                Filipino  women’s  dominance  at
             leaders  joined  by  the  Catholic                                    home  is  equally  undeniable.  The
             Church,  urged  his  widow  Mrs.                                      home  is  the  Filipino  women’s
             Corazon Aquino to run for President.                                  sphere     of   most     substantial
             When  she  did,  the  debate  was  not                                influence.  Rich  or  poor,  employed
             whether  the  Philippines  was  ready                                 or  stay-at-home,  they  set  the
             for a woman president, but whether                                    policies  for  child-rearing,  preside
             she  was  ready  for  the  Philippines.                               over    domestic   activities,   and
             The Philippine electorate spoke, and                                  govern  the  house.   Cognizant  of
             in 1986 with the world’s attention,                                   these,    advertisers  direct  their
             the Philippines, fraught with turmoil                                 marketing     strategies    towards
             and  instability,  was  entrusted  in  the                            women.
             hands  of  a  woman.   Several  years    Former President of the Philippines
             later, another woman, in the name of     GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO

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