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                                      Induction and Handover Ceremonies
                                                    August 15, 2020


                       he first statement of District Chairman
                        (DC)  Noemi  Verano  in  her  inaugural
          speech  was  to  congratulate  Past  District
          Chairman Conchita “Ching” Chanyungco for a job
          well done and to extend to the members of the
          Inner  Wheel  her  gratitude  for  their  trust  in
          electing her to the chairmanship of District 380.
          DC Noemi was confident that the Council of Past
          District  Chairmen,  as  well  as  the  District  Board,
          would support her in carrying out her mandate in
          line  with  the  International  Inner  Wheel  theme
          Lead the Change.

                                                             IWCPI DISTRICT 380 District Chairman Noemi Verano
                                                             Introduced by Assistant District Secretary Loreta Villame

         She described the catastrophic effect of the 2019  brought  about  by  economic  difficulties,  DC  Noemi
         corona virus, causing irreversible economic, social,  was  determined  to  explore  and  maximize  the
         physical impairment to millions of people globally.  impact of the best service projects as possible.  She
         However, she believed that District 380 still had a  encouraged  the  Clubs to  work  closely  with  service
         unique role at this time of the pandemic.  Aligning  partners  –  government  agencies,  non-government
         with  the  platform  of  the  IWCPI,  as  stated  by  organizations,  and  Rotary  International.  She  also
         National  President  Pamela  de  Guzman  in  her  vowed to work and clearly define the essence of a
         inaugural  speech,  the  District  would  undertake  compassionate society.  She urged the members of
         service  projects  that  applied  to  the  present  the  District  to  work  together,  to  make  a  real
         situation such as livelihood, education, health, and  commitment,  and  to  be  bounded  by  Inner  Wheel
         other  economic  and  social  issues.  The  District  motto  “Selflessness  in  Friendship  and  Service  to
         would  also  take  this  opportunity  to  advance  its  Humanity.”

         public  image  by  undertaking  projects  that  would
         increase  the  Inner  Wheel’s  visibility.  She  also   In  closing,  she  thanked  all  who  helped  to  make
                                                              District  380’s  34   Virtual  District  Induction  and
         echoed  International  Inner  Wheel  President  Bina   Turnover  Ceremonies  a  success.  To  PDC  and
         Vyas  in  her  call  to  non-Inner  Wheel  members  to
         join the organization.  President Vyas emphasized    Induction  Chair  Julie  Malaya,  DC  Noemi  extended
                                                              her  sincere  appreciation  for  her  support  and
         that  her  priorities  during  her  term  were
         membership  retention,  recruitment,  and  club      dedication  in  conceptualizing  and  putting  into
                                                              reality the Filipiniana-themed induction.  DC Noemi
         extension.  DC Noemi’s resolute faith in God guides   was profoundly grateful to her husband, Engr. Dante
         her to put into action the teaching of God, which
         says,  “Whatever  you  do  to  the  least  of  my    Verano,  for  his  unwavering  support.  She  also
                                                              thanked her son Diel for his understanding.  Above
         brethren, you do it to me.”
                                                              all,  she  praised  the  Lord  Almighty  for  all  His
                                                              guidance and blessings.
         Recognizing the limited resources of the District

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