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District 380 Induction
IIW President Bina Vyas focused on said that IIWC, being the third
the goals for IWY 2020-2021, largest organization in the world,
which included increase in should be able to achieve the
membership, creation of new aforesaid goals of IWY 2020-
generation clubs recruiting 2021. She further emphasized
members ages 18 years to 25 that these positive changes
years; and to add Youth, and would open new horizons and
Women Development, Caring for opportunities, which could
Senior Citizens, and Water and improve Inner Wheel service to
Sanitation in Inner Wheel service humanity. She called on District
projects. 380 to LEAD THE CHANGE.
President Vyas said that these President Bina Vyas was
projects would bring positive introduced by Past District
changes in people’s lives. She also Chairman Flotilde Z. Vistro
“Inner Wheel is like a well-
oiled machine that could
smoothen out the sharp
IWCPI National President
Pamela De Guzman
Introduced by PDC Mary Grace Zamora
National President (NP) Pamela de Guzman said every club and five new clubs for each District,
leading an organization was not an easy task with including a New Generation Club. President
its share of rough bumps and sharp corners. And Vyas, according to NP Pamela, wanted to carry
for that reason, many did not want to accept such out youth development projects in
responsibility. She likened Inner Wheel to a well- schools/colleges for women in the age group 18
oiled machine that could smoothen out the sharp to 26 years to help them build skills and develop
corners. She said that Inner Wheel could the young generation. She said that President
accomplish even difficult and complicated tasks as Vyas encouraged IWCPI to implement programs
long as teamwork and unity were there. recommended by the United Nations to bring
about change in our community development
She said that the goals of the International Inner programs with an emphasis on youth, women,
Wheel President Bina Vyas for IWY 2020-2021 and senior citizens.
were to have an increase of five new members in