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District 380  Induction

                                            Welcome Remarks by Overall Induction
                            Chair and President of the Council of Past District Chairmen Julie Malaya

               Past  District  Chairman  (PDC)  and  the  Overall   was also the first in the history of  District
               Induction  Chair  Julieta  Malaya  delivered  the    inductions.    And  it  was  also  by
               Welcome Address.  In it, she described the pre-      coincidence that the IIWC Board Director
               pandemic    preparations    for   the   District     Zeny  Farcon,  IWCPI  National  President
               Induction.    With  a  Filipiniana  theme  from      Pamela  de  Guzman,  IDC  Noemi  Verano,
               attire,  decorations,  entertainment,  and  all      and the President of the Council of Past
               others,   the  Induction  Committee  and  the        District  Chairmen  of  District  380  Julie
               Incoming District Chairman Noemi envisaged an        Malaya  were  all  members  of  the  Inner
               “entertaining, valuable and  classic” event. PDC     Wheel Club of Marikina. Again, a first in
               Julie  explained  that  they  decided  on  a         the history of the District.
               Filipiniana  theme  because  IDC  Noemi  was  an
               enthusiast of anything made of locally available     PDC  Julie  said  she  was  confident  that
               materials.  But  the  pandemic  notwithstanding,     despite  the  havoc  brought  about  by  the
               the District had to proceed with the induction,      pandemic,  which  has  affected  countless
               albeit,  virtually.  Again,  they  put  their  heads   lives, with the District’s collective efforts,
               together to come up with an unforgettable and        the  support  of  IDC  Noemi’s  District
               electrifying  virtual  induction  and  turnover      Board,  and  the  guidance  of  the  Lord
               ceremony,  which  would  be  the  first  in  the     Almighty,  District  380  would  remain
               history  of  the  District.  That  was  not  the  only   secure  and  in  good  standing.  She  said
               “first”,  she  said.  The  performers  for  the      that  the  new  set  of  officers  under  the
               entertainment  for  the  first  time  were  the      leadership  of IDC Noemi would lead the
               children  of  PDC  Julie  and  IDC  Noemi.  The      District  to  change  in  line  with  the  Inner
               presence  of  an  International  Inner  Wheel        Wheel  motto  “Selflessness  in  Friendship
               President in the person of President Bina Vyas       and Service to Humanity.”

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