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District 380 Induction
Message from International Inner Wheel Board Director, Zenaida Farcon
calamities, and extending. assistance to the
IIW Board Director victims of war 3) To foster international
understanding by encouraging the District
Zenaida “Zeny” Farcon was International Service Officer to visit the IIW
introduced by Past District Chairman Ann Baliclic. website, check-out the directory, and make
BD Zeny informed that International Inner Wheel friends with international clubs of your choice by
had celebrated its 96 years last January 10, 2020, sharing information about our clubs.
while the Inner Wheel Clubs of the Philippines, Inc.
IIWBD Zeny cautioned that with the
was now 71 years old. District 380 was formed in
1977 and thus has been in existence for 43 years. uncertainties surrounding COVID-19, there was
no way of saying what would happen in the
She then introduced the objects of Inner Wheel by
quoting from the book Built to Last. She said, “the days, months, or even years to come. The
key in building a great enduring organization is to pandemic could put a limitation on one’s
circumstances. Nonetheless, members should
come up with a set of timeless core values and
objectives that remain constant over time.” With see this as a challenge to be more resourceful
and creative. They should continue to strive for
that, she enumerated the objectives of Inner
Wheel: 1) To promote true friendship at this time of excellence and practice Inner Wheel’s core
the pandemic by being socially connected, boosting values of friendship, integrity, responsible
club service, and attending monthly meetings volunteerism, dedication and commitment,
online. She advised that the club leaders must try compassion, and relevance.
to think of ways to do things differently to make the She ended her speech by quoting a famous
meetings enjoyable. Inviting speakers could make Indian teacher Iyengar Said: “Change is not
meetings exciting and introducing games fun. 2) To
something that we should fear. Rather, it is
encourage the ideals of personal service by serving something that we should welcome. For without
the local community, contributing financial support
change, nothing… would ever move forward to
or in-kind, especially during a crisis or natural
become the person we are meant to be.”