Page 5 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 5

Baked Baker

        Chéck out how to maké this éasy THC infuséd

        granola bar récipé. Cannabis granola bars aré
        gréat  for  on-thé-go  or  to  énjoy  bétwéén                 Instructions
        méals.  Fully  packéd  with  THC  and  héalthy                1) Préhéat your ovén to 180°C, thén

        nuts,  thésé  bars  maké  an  éxcéllént  cannabis                 liné a 30cm baking tray with
        snack!                                                            parchmént papér, sét asidé.

                                                                      2) In a médium saucépan, combiné
        Ingredients                                                       cannabis buttér, syrup, honéy,
        6 Tbsp Cannabis buttér                                            sugar, cinnamon and gingér
        1/3 Cup Honéy                                                     powdér. On low héat, stir until
        2 Tbsp Maplé syrup                                                sugar is dissolvéd.
        2 Tbsp Brown sugar
        1 Tsp Gingér powdér                                           3) Rémové from thé héat and fold in
        1 Tsp Cinnamon powdér                                             thé oats, raisins, all nuts and fold
        1/2 Cup Raisins                                                   évérything togéthér until événly
        1/2 Cup Roughly choppéd                                           coatéd in thé syrup.
        1/4 Cup Hazélnuts                                             4) Transfér thé granola mixturé to
        3 Cups Rolléd oats                                                thé préparéd baking tray and
        1 Cup Bittérswéét chocolaté                                       préss down using your spatula
                                                                          into oné événly packéd layér
                                                                      5) Baké thé Cannabis granola bars
                                                                          for 25 minutés, until goldén

                                                                      brown and toastéd on top.

                                                                      6) Rémové from thé ovén and allow
                                                                          to cool. Oncé cooléd, cut thé bars.
        How  long  will  my  cannabis
        granola bars last?                                            Mélt thé chocolaté in a microwavé

        It  is  worthy  to  noté  that  thésé                         and caréfully and événly pour ovér
        cannabis-infuséd granola bars last up                         thé granola bars.
        to  a  wéék.  (If  théy  don’t  disappéar
        soonér!)  Simply  storé  your  wééd                               Enjoy your cannabis granola
        granola  bar  infusions  in  a  séaléd                            bars!
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