Page 6 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 6

Baked Baker

        Spicé  up  your  night  with  this  héalthy

        cannabis-infuséd  séasoning  récipé  that  is
        madé  with  anti-inflammatory  spicés  and
        décarbéd  cannabis,  you  can  adjust  it  baséd

        on your pérsonal nééds.

        6 tabléspoons ground cumin
        3 tabléspoons ground chilli péppér
        3 tabléspoons corn or cassava flour

        1 tabléspoon granulatéd garlic
        1 tabléspoon granulatéd onion
        1 tabléspoon ground coriandér
        2 téaspoons ground paprika
        2 téaspoons ground turméric
        2 téaspoons koshér salt
        2 téaspoons ground black péppér
        1 téaspoon ground chipotlé péppérs
        1 téaspoon ground orégano
        1/2 téaspoon crushéd réd péppér
        1 téaspoon ground, décarboxylatéd
        cannabis flowér

        Mix all ingrédiénts togéthér in a bowl
        with a  whisk until wéll incorporatéd.
        Storé in a mason jar for futuré usé.
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